discussion guide
Book a screening of RISKING LIGHT and then dig deeper. CLICK HERE to download a free PDF of our Discussion Guide. This guide was developed by experts in restorative justice and forgiveness, as well as the filmmakers to help audiences dig deeper into the concepts behind the film including: Anger & Revenge, Forgiveness, and Faith, as well as deeper dives into the stories of Mary, O’Shea, Debra, and Kilong.
Outreach & education partners
Mission partners
Additional Resources
The Midwest Institute for Forgiveness Training
A community of independent practitioners who live, coach, and teach the model and the methods of Unconditional Forgiveness. Our Institute is an intentional learning community dedicated to upholding the integrity of this valuable body of work, and we support each other to offer it to the public in a variety of ways. This training institute is not formally incorporated; it is a world service project that is organized within the larger life works of Mary Hayes Grieco, of Minneapolis, MN.
An International Resource Center in Support of Restorative Justice Dialogue, Research and Training
We aim to serve many different stakeholders within in the fast-growing movement of restorative justice: international peacemakers, program managers, facilitators of restorative dialogue, trainers, and researchers.
Our mission is to provide supports and resources to program leaders, practitioners, and workshop participants so they can maintain and strengthen restorative dialogue on all levels. To do this in a comprehensive way, our center does a variety of activities and services.